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2018天空之城 年度航拍大赛周精选第一期

0 2019-01-08 05:30:00   蜂鸟网   作者:大疆   责编: [转载]




通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
跌进兔子洞的爱丽丝 -Victoria Volchenko

by:“御”Mavic Pro


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
饥饿的河马 -Martin Sanchez @zekedrone

by:“御”Mavic 2 专业版

There's no party like a hippo party! An incredible visual to see and such a unique perspective. Truly honored to have this moment in time.



通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
鲸鱼和幼崽 - Kyle Goetsch

by:“御”Mavic Pro

Mother and calf Southern Right whales off the coast of South Africa.



通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选

by:“御”Mavic Pro



通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
水稻梯田,乌布,巴厘岛 - SebastianSavoyFilms

by:“御”Mavic Pro

I've taken this drone shot with my Mavic Pro on an early morning in October at the Tegallalang Rice Terraces, Ubud, Bali.

10的一个清晨,我在巴厘岛的水稻梯田用我的“”Mavic Pro拍到了这样的画面


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
睡在泥池里的大象  -Christian VIGNA

by:“御”Mavic Pro


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
无尽之路:冬夏交界 -Michal Sadowski

by:“御”Mavic Pro

A perfect mountain road shot twice during Summer and Winter. Same place. Different seasons. It took a lot of effort to shoot this photo. Two photos shot 8 months apart. Perfectly aligned. The battle between the Summer and the Winter. 



通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选

by:“御”Mavic 2 变焦版


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选

by:“御”Mavic 2 专业版

Every year with the onset of spring, thousands of Jacaranda trees bloom in the Gauteng province, blanketing the region in a sea of purple hues. According to legend, if the flower of a Jacaranda tree falls on your head, you are bound to pass the encroaching examinations. This photograph captures the gentle spillover of the blooming flowers over the slate covered roof of the Old Arts building, one of the first buildings constructed on the University grounds.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
在空中 - 杰克兔

by:“御”Mavic 2 专业版

Watch the sunrise up from land.



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