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2018天空之城 年度航拍大赛周精选第一期

0 2019-01-08 05:30:00   蜂鸟网   作者:大疆   责编: [转载]




通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
至所未知 To unknown,李珩 13811278527

by:精灵 Phantom 4 Pro


Eleventy Monterrey discovered a place where the land, sea, and sky meet – of all places – at a bridge.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
最酷行车地 Coolest place to drive the car,Panvelvet

by:“御”Mavic 2 专业版


In winding country passes, Panlevet was able to capture a small opening of the dense forest that revealed a car on its way to or from home.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
无尽之路 Infinity road,PEDRO TWI

by:精灵 Phantom 4 Pro

西班牙富埃特文图拉沙丘之间的天堂般的道路。 谁不想来这旅行一次呢?

Hovering above Fuerteventura, Spain, Pedro Twi shows that sometimes, all that separates the barren desert and raging sea is just a sliver of road.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
图红皮火车 red train,

by:“御”Mavic Pro


Nestled inside their warm seats, the passengers of this lone train may have no idea of the wondrous, precarious path they are on.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
冬日天堂Winter heaven

by:“御”Mavic 2 专业版


If there is a road to heaven, Szabolcs Ignacz may have found it.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
重庆森林 Chungking Express,SSSSwagger 

by:“御”Mavic Pro


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选

by:“御”Mavic Pro

2018,带着“御”Mavic Pro去了很多地方,从许多不同角度欣赏自然风光。很开心可以与大家分享我的作品!

If urban dwellers could ever take a moment to stop, breathe, and realize where they are, it may look something like this scene.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
《秋》 Autumn,落日孤鸿

by:精灵 Phantom 4 Pro

Rivers shape and dictate the land among them. As trees grow and society presses forward, there are some times and places where these three meet as one.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
路 Road,Andrius Aleksandravičius

by:“御”Mavic 2 专业版

As a wintry evening settles, Andrius Aleksandravičius was able to freeze rush hour into an image fit for a snowglobe.


通往2019 2018天空之城年度航拍大赛周精选
远 方 Distance

by:精灵 Phantom 4 Pro

Marriage is the beginning of a new journey. Xleifoto shows in this image that this is a journey that, although you may see in front of you, you don’t actually know where it ends. But don’t forget you’ll always have someone at your side to help guide the way.

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